Annabelle is about the doll from The Conjuring. Its about how it ended up in that creepy office of creepy stuff in that movie and what happened before the family that first encountered that thing. This movie is directed by John R. Leonetti, the director of photography of The Conjuring (2013), Mortal Kombat (1995), and director of Mortal Kombat Annihilation (1997). He also directed Butterfly Effect 2 (2006).
So, everyone who watched the trailer of Annabelle, must think that its actually looks like a good horror movie. It’s a spin-off of The Conjuring, The Conjuring was awesome, and the director is also director of photography of Insidious (2010), and Insidious Chapter 2 (2013), so its going to be awesome. Well, it’s not ! This movie is a fail.
Its such a predictable Scary Movie 2 because you have this sweet loving couple —you know, they have a baby on the way, everything is perfect, they’re smiling all the time, he’s a doctor, they have tons of money, they are so wonderful and happy together— and of course they get this “doll”.
Who in the hell would bring this thing into their house. I was just waiting for some character to come into the scene and be like “Dude, why do you have that doll?” That is the creepiest looking doll I have ever seen in my life. Who in the world would put that in their babies room, right over their carriage. No one in their right mind would ever have that doll.
But it’s a horror film okay? Its meant to scare you. Does it scare you? I think there are some moment, if you’re more of a lightweight when it comes to scary movies, this movie will have you crap in your pants. Its jump scare after jump scare.
But with this movie the scare were so obvious, there is a really wide shot with the character sitting on a couch and over on the left side of the frame is an open doorway you can see down a hall. You know something will walk by the hall. You just know its going to happen, whatever obviously about to happen and it will happen. Because there’s not that much suspense building in the actual film making in the construction up the scary scenes.
There’s a ton of sound effects that are supposed to make you feel as if something scary is happening but the film making doesn't work hand in hand with that, because it was so obvious whenever scare was about to take place. There’s only one or two affected moments in this movie particularly an elevator staircase sequence that I actually thought was really cool. Beside that the scares in this movie just didn't scare me at all. The characters were dull, wooden and lifeless. I didn't give a crap about anyone in this movie, they were the stupidest horror characters ever.
“Hey you should probably call the police honey, because there was a scream next door,” and he's like “No, they’re just want us to come over and look, they wouldn't want us to call police, I’ll go and check by myself.” If you hear a scream next door and all the light in the house go out, of course you call the police. You don’t go there by yourself.
Another dumb moment is when the lead woman is talking to a police officer about his investigation into a murder. Two people were murdered by a cult in the area, she asked the officer, “Did you look into the cult?” and he goes, “Why would you want me to investigate the cult?”. I don’t know! Maybe because they murdered two people right next door of the women and then came in her house and tried to kill her too? Maybe that’s why you should investigate the cult.
This movie is really dumb, I’m sorry. This movie had some scary moments, it had some creepy moments, it was slightly better directed then some other horror films out there. But it's a really dumb movie with predictable scares that was just kind of boring in all honesty. Annabelle was a very disappointing movie, it is not even close to being as good as The Conjuring.
So, if you guys did see The Conjuring, what did you think about that movie? Do you agree with me that its a pretty damn good horror film? And if you do decide to see Annabelle, what do you think about that one too?
Director: John R. Leonetti
Writer: Gary Dauberman
Stars: Ward Horton, Annabelle Wallis, Alfre Woodard
Duration: 99 min