Far Cry 4 Game Review (2014)

far cry 4 (2014)

There is not a lot you could say about Far Cry 4 that you couldn’t say about Far Cry 3. With the previous two sequels signal significant changes in approach, Far Cry 4 takes its predecessor and cranks everything up by several orders of magnitude. This make your fun sandbox is even more outrageous and the off-putting story and dialogue are even greater blight. Big turn-off in a game that doesn’t know when enough is enough. In other word, Far Cry 4 takes every elements of every major Ubisoft series and shoves them into one game, and as you can imagine, it’s big, crazy, entertaining, and problematic, all at once.
The over the top tensions actually start off in a promising manner introducing you right away to Pagan Min, the dictator of the Himalayan nation of Kyrat. You’re there to scatter your mother ashes, he’s there to make your life a living hell. The brutal scene that introduce Min are horrifying, he’s vain, vindictive, and lacking in empathy. He then disappears for most of the game leaving you instead with series of stereotypes, each one more embarrassing than the last.

far cry 4 screenshot

Every so often the game seems to be foist to make a point about you being an American, shooting up soldiers in the name of peace and freedom. But when you spend so much time instead listening to radio personality that fantasizes about becoming a serial killer that mere feces on the victim, it’s difficult not to cringe. There is not much treasure to be found in this thrash.
Far Cry 4 is awesome and messy, dumb and fun, gross and beautiful, and problematic. It’s when Far Cry 4 lets you off the leash then you find the thrill you seek. You grab a few guns, maybe a bow and arrow, maybe some molotovs and rush into the wilds, seeking to disrupt the land in the name of golden path freedom fighters.

far cry 4 elephant riding

While the stealthy method of infiltrating an outpost still available, Far Cry 4 newest tools emphasize chaos and destructions. You can mount an elephant and charge forward launching soldiers into the air with their trunk. You can summon a friendly AI and set a place to blaze with flamethrower, or assassinate an artillery gunner and take over for him.
When you’re beyond outpost, you can find more ways to express your violence tendencies. The new auto driving feature which allow you to automate your trip through the way point isn’t very reliable but it does make it easy to launch grenade on pursuing enemies when you behind the wheel. You liberate the entire fort and climb upwards, goes quickly from cliff to valleys by activating your wing suit and unlock new areas by climbing the radio tower and hacking them.

far cry 4 outpost

Competitive play is one more entertaining way of spending your time in Far Cry 4, a game already full of opportunities to make your own fun. One of Far Cry 4 biggest problem however, is it doesn’t trust you to find that fun. The game constant reminder to go do something other than the thing you’re doing right now are beyond irritating. You liberate an outpost, drive away, and in ten seconds, you alerted that the outpost is under attack again. And so you drive back fend off the attackers, leave and get the message again, and again.

Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

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