Dracula Untold Movie Review (2014)

dracula untold (2014) posterDracula Untold is the right retaining film by Universal starring Luke Evans as Dracula. Luke Evans visits a vampire who turns him into a vampire so that he can have supernatural forces so that he can save his family from these oncoming forces who are threatening to eliminate everyone that he cares about.
The thing about this movie is that it's kind of interesting idea, we haven’t seen a big budget Dracula movie since what? Dracula 2000 (2000)?
The problem with this movie in my opinion is that it takes itself way too seriously. This is an absurd movie. This is a really dumb movie at its core. This movie needs to be dumb, absurd, fun, hilarious, and awesome, but it takes itself so darkly, grimly serious that you can’t sit and have any real enjoyment with this movie. It’s missing out on the awesome pleasures that a movie about a guy who turn himself into Dracula so that he can fight armies should have. We don’t always need a serious adaptation of everything.
And a movie about a guy who climbs a mountain to find a vampire in a cave, to turn him into Dracula, so that he can then turn into an army of bats, and punch people with a bat hand that formed with those bats, that movie needs to be awesome. But this movie is trying so hard to make you cry and care about Dracula and his wife and son. You don’t need that in a movie called Dracula Untold.
What you need is a really good time. And since this movie is so intent on doing the opposite of that, you can’t really have fun with it.
That being said, it’s not an awful looking movie, there are times where the cinematography is really gorgeous. I do like Luke Evans, I think he’s pretty great in The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies (2014), and I thought he was really fun in this movie called No One Lives (2012), which no one really saw. And that film’s tone is the type of vibe I feel this movie was lacking.
Another thing about this movie is it becomes very apparent that they’re just trying to get that PG-13 rating that this movie should not have. A movie with Dracula in its title should be rating R. Because a lot of scene in this movie is filmed beautifully. The cinematography is very nice, some of the sets and production designs are very good. And then as soon as the battle sequences started, it turns into The Hunger Games (2012) movie. It’s shaking all over the place, you can’t tell what’s going on because they have limits. They can’t show certain things, because if they do, they’ll get rated R.
So in all honesty, I’m just tired of these attempts at rebooting classic monster movies like earlier this year I, Frankenstein (2014) which was even worse than this movie.
Luke Evans is fun as a title role, and Sarah Gadon as his wife is great. But the movie is just so darkly grim, that you can’t have any fun with the movie where you should be having a lot of fun with it, and it’s just really uninteresting as a story in all honesty. It doesn’t really work.

Director: Gary Shore
Writers: Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless
Stars: Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon
Duration: 92 min

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  1. This movie was entertaining and action-packed. Luke Evans portrayed the tormented Vlad wonderfully.
