V/H/S: Viral Movie Review (2014)

If you’ve been following the previous two V/H/S films which they basically are a bunch of anthologies and which people watch really creepy VHS tapes and clever film makers coming and make their own short film to be included in this anthology of horror.
I actually enjoyed V/H/S (2012) and V/H/S/2 (2013) quite a bit and even bought them on blu ray. So I was actually excited to see what this new film brought to the table because it takes it into different direction. Where the previous two films were about characters discovering VHS tapes in a house, watching them and they were just really creepy, this one does not have that structure at all.
I suppose it’s more about teenagers who are trying to film viral videos and stuff happens while they’re doing that. Not only is V/H/S: Viral the most disappointing movie I’ve seen in this year, it’s the most maddening. This film is populated with the dumbest, most idiotic characters that you can’t stand to watch more than a couple of minutes, and I watched them for 77 minutes, because as soon as the credits started in this movie, I checked the time and it was 77 minutes long.
The film is a very forced message about the fact that teenagers and young people are becoming obsessed with the internet, that viral marketing campaign and videos of horrible things happening that get tons of views is a terrible thing. I agree with all of that.
But it’s such a forced message in the way the film makers go about trying to tell this tale is so rushed and so jumbled that the message is not only become a gigantic blur, but the film is in conflict with itself. Because there’s a short film in this one that I could not stand.
In fact when it ended, I actually stood up and said, “Fuck this movie, I’m done with this movie.” And I actually have to sit and recollect my thought for a while before I press ‘play’ again, because it’s the most maddening thing I’ve ever seen in a movie. It’s basically a bunch of skater kids who are the most annoying, rude people, they’re sixteen, they’re doing drugs, they’re carrying around guns, they going to Mexico, they like fireworks and throw them at people, and then they spend an entire five minutes just shooting Mexican’s monster people, and it was the most annoying thing I’ve seen in a movie all year.
I don’t want to spoil for you in case you are interested in seeing this movie but the wait ended with such a cop out, don’t waste your time.
The first two shorts are better than that, there is one about a magician and one about a parallel universe, but my problem with those is that none of it actually really relates to the central message of the film that they’re trying to create.
What once was a really cool idea for a franchise that were able to showcase creativity and different director’s talents has become a garbage can for the most crappy ideas I’ve ever seen in a movie in quite some time. This film was so lazy that it even reuse shots from the previous films.
I’m very disappointed in V/H/S: Viral. It’s nowhere near as good as the previous two, it wasn’t even scary. There wasn’t even a single moment in this movie that scare me, but there were plenty that I laughed at how terribly filmed it was. It is a horrible sequel, definitely don’t check out V/H/S: Viral.
I suggest you to definitely avoid this one guys, especially if you’re fan of the first two like I am. I’m very disappointed in this.

Directors: Justin Benson, Gregg Bishop
Writers: Justin Benson, Gregg Bishop
Stars: Emmy Argo, Amanda Baker, Rim Basma
Duration: 97 min

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