Left Behind is directed by Vic Armstrong, the stuntman from the Indiana Jones movies, and stars Nicolas Cage, Chad Michael Murray, Lea Thompson, and Cassi Thomson.
A sudden epidemic seems to be spreading across the entire earth. People are vanishing in the thin air, no one knows where these people went. Nicholas Cage plays a pilot trying to land his plane to get his daughter who is on the ground searching for her family and Chad Michael Murray is like a really handy man who did something sometime, people respect him, he’s up on the plane too.
And guys, this film is one the worst movies I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Now look, I sat in a deserted empty theater through out this entire movie despite one who walked out in first twenty minutes.
Let’s talk a bit about Nicholas Cage, the man is an enigma. Some people actually view him as a religious experience. This year he’s started in Joe (2013), a movie I thought was terrific, and I thought he was excellent in that movie. And I was like, “Yes, Nicholas Cage is back.”
And now he’s in this movie which is in my opinion the worst movie he’s ever been in. Now let me explain it to you, because I’m not just going to say this movie is bad, he’s terrible, they’re terrible. I’m going to explain to you why this movie is awful.
There are theatrical releases, and then straight to DVD and blu ray, and then television, and somewhere under there is Left Behind. I’m serious. This movie is not even good enough for television.
I’m talking about the way its directed, the screenplay and the acting. Even the musical score for this movie is awful, it’s like 1995 drum kits combined with orchestrations, it’s the worst musical score of the year.
Now, Vic Armstrong is the best stuntman ever. He did a lot of the stunts in Indiana Jones movies. I have so much respect for that man in regards to that. However, as a director of actors and a composer of scenes, he is not.
If I was forced to direct the screenplay that I saw in this movie, I swear to you on my life, I would say no as soon as I finish reading the script. Every actor feels fake, every dialogue feels forced, all of the conversations do not feel real at all.
In regards the way scenes are constructed, it’s incompetent. There’s a motorcycle scene towards the end of the film, where the female lead finds a motorcycle and apparently she can ride motorcycle. We have no idea she’s ever done it before, but she just does it perfectly. Throughout this entire scene, all we get are wide shots from behind. There is not one single close up insert of the actress on the motorcycle. They can’t even take some of their budget to use a pulley system to pull the motorcycle so they can get a close up of her to try to tell that she is on the motorcycle, whose the stunt-woman the entire time. And that’s the way this film was directed, lazily.
There isn’t an inspired moment in this movie. No one in this movie is intense. Everyone just feels like they’re moshing along through an epidemic disaster that spreading across the entire world. Not one bit of suspense was in this movie. It was so incredibly godawful that I wanted to leave twenty minutes in, and yet I stayed because I viewed it as a rite of passage. I was like, I’m going to watch this movie as a rite of passage, so in the end of the year I can say that Left Behind not only one of the worst movie I’ve ever seen, it’s a movie that I sat through.
There isn’t a single moment that is worthy of you watching it. I’m telling you, it’s not even funny bad.
It really honestly is one of the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life. I hated it, it was terrible. Nicholas Cage, I love you man… but why?
Director: Vic Armstrong
Writers: Jerry B. Jenkins (based on novel), Tim LaHaye (based on novel)
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Lea Thompson, Chad Michael Murray, Cassi Thomson
Duration: 110 min
A sudden epidemic seems to be spreading across the entire earth. People are vanishing in the thin air, no one knows where these people went. Nicholas Cage plays a pilot trying to land his plane to get his daughter who is on the ground searching for her family and Chad Michael Murray is like a really handy man who did something sometime, people respect him, he’s up on the plane too.
And guys, this film is one the worst movies I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Now look, I sat in a deserted empty theater through out this entire movie despite one who walked out in first twenty minutes.
Let’s talk a bit about Nicholas Cage, the man is an enigma. Some people actually view him as a religious experience. This year he’s started in Joe (2013), a movie I thought was terrific, and I thought he was excellent in that movie. And I was like, “Yes, Nicholas Cage is back.”
And now he’s in this movie which is in my opinion the worst movie he’s ever been in. Now let me explain it to you, because I’m not just going to say this movie is bad, he’s terrible, they’re terrible. I’m going to explain to you why this movie is awful.
There are theatrical releases, and then straight to DVD and blu ray, and then television, and somewhere under there is Left Behind. I’m serious. This movie is not even good enough for television.
I’m talking about the way its directed, the screenplay and the acting. Even the musical score for this movie is awful, it’s like 1995 drum kits combined with orchestrations, it’s the worst musical score of the year.
Now, Vic Armstrong is the best stuntman ever. He did a lot of the stunts in Indiana Jones movies. I have so much respect for that man in regards to that. However, as a director of actors and a composer of scenes, he is not.
If I was forced to direct the screenplay that I saw in this movie, I swear to you on my life, I would say no as soon as I finish reading the script. Every actor feels fake, every dialogue feels forced, all of the conversations do not feel real at all.
In regards the way scenes are constructed, it’s incompetent. There’s a motorcycle scene towards the end of the film, where the female lead finds a motorcycle and apparently she can ride motorcycle. We have no idea she’s ever done it before, but she just does it perfectly. Throughout this entire scene, all we get are wide shots from behind. There is not one single close up insert of the actress on the motorcycle. They can’t even take some of their budget to use a pulley system to pull the motorcycle so they can get a close up of her to try to tell that she is on the motorcycle, whose the stunt-woman the entire time. And that’s the way this film was directed, lazily.
There isn’t an inspired moment in this movie. No one in this movie is intense. Everyone just feels like they’re moshing along through an epidemic disaster that spreading across the entire world. Not one bit of suspense was in this movie. It was so incredibly godawful that I wanted to leave twenty minutes in, and yet I stayed because I viewed it as a rite of passage. I was like, I’m going to watch this movie as a rite of passage, so in the end of the year I can say that Left Behind not only one of the worst movie I’ve ever seen, it’s a movie that I sat through.
There isn’t a single moment that is worthy of you watching it. I’m telling you, it’s not even funny bad.
It really honestly is one of the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life. I hated it, it was terrible. Nicholas Cage, I love you man… but why?
Director: Vic Armstrong
Writers: Jerry B. Jenkins (based on novel), Tim LaHaye (based on novel)
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Lea Thompson, Chad Michael Murray, Cassi Thomson
Duration: 110 min